
DNS Scavenging troubleshooting

DNS Scavenging troubleshooting

Windows Server 2012R2

DNS Scavenging is a wonderful answer to clients and dynamic updates clean up problems we experienced during the work day, no needed to talk too much about this feature, it is pretty common and understandable […]

Office 365

Office365 PowerShell 3F7B65B7

Get empty DL and delete them

How to get all distributions list on your organization which is empty using Powershell? You have to use the following command: Get-DistributionGroup | Where-Object { (Get-DistributionGroupMember –identity $_.Name).Count –eq 0 } | select PrimarySmtpAddress | export-csv C:\EmptyDL.csv By the […]

Exchange & VMware

Exchange 2013 Change OWA Log on1

Exchange 2013 Change OWA Log on

Hey Folks, Unfortunately, this article is going to be short, but enough important to share this with you. I will teach you how to change our login method to Outlook web Exchange 2013, I already applied it […]

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