
Windows 10 ADMX

Install Windows 10 ADMX to GPO

Windows 10

Hi there, As you know, Windows 10 is one of the common projects that organizations are managing and trying to implement on their organisations, we as System Administrator should control on Windows 10 as we controlled […]

Office 365

Exchange & VMware

exchange2016 Builds

Exchange Server build numbers

To get and view build number for the version of Exchange 2016: Get-ExchangeServer | Format-List Name, Edition, AdminDisplayVersion To get and view build number for the version of Exchange 2013: Get-ExchangeServer | Format-List Name, Edition, […]


Get all ESXI details Powercli

Hi All. I would like to share with you a wonderful script that knows providing your any prices of details about your ESXi’s Hots, such as: Name, ESX version, make, Model, Serial $myESXiHosts = Get-VMHost […]

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