

Auto Login by Group Policy settings

Windows Server 2008 R2

One of the Automation Team’s  guy sent me an email with a special request, they have some automated process that runs on  virtual machines that shouldn’t login windows, It interrupts and stuck their automation process, make […]

Active Directory Challenges

Resetting Domain Controller Secure Channel

Windows Server 2012R2

Over last weeks I got annoying error event on my customer’s domain controller, for some reason, the replication stopped, some clients who were connected to DC01 got errors like incorrect password while interesting their password or […]

Office 365

Exchange & VMware

Office365 PowerShell 3F7B65B7

Get empty DL and delete them

How to get all distributions list on your organization which is empty using Powershell? You have to use the following command: Get-DistributionGroup | Where-Object { (Get-DistributionGroupMember –identity $_.Name).Count –eq 0 } | select PrimarySmtpAddress | export-csv C:\EmptyDL.csv By the […]

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