

Block USB on Computers using GPO

Windows Server 2008 R2

Hey guys, – that’s going to be very forces and a short article: In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to block USB on your domain computers by GPO, I know several security institutions […]

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Repairing DHCP database

Windows Server 2008 R2

Hey guys, this week I wasted a lot of time on DHCP database repairing troubleshooting, my customer tried to recover the DHCP server from Veeam back, and After recovering the server he has tried to start […]

Office 365

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Office 365

Microsoft Intune Abilities

Hey folks, I want to introduce you the Microsoft Intune service with his abilities that I’ve checked recently, It is not a secret that Microsoft strongly pushing the Microsoft Intune and improves it rapidly, to […]

Exchange & VMware

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Where the ESXi is installed?

Well, how many times during ESXi upgrade have you checked where the ESXi is installed? either you know where the ESXi is installed or you think you know, I have to share with you very frustrating […]

exchange2016 Builds

Exchange Server build numbers

To get and view build number for the version of Exchange 2016: Get-ExchangeServer | Format-List Name, Edition, AdminDisplayVersion To get and view build number for the version of Exchange 2013: Get-ExchangeServer | Format-List Name, Edition, […]

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